Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mantegna in Mantua

May 28, 2015

1. The reason I most wanted to come to Mantua was to see the Camera deli Sposi.

2. The 15th century painter Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506) was the court painter for the Gonzaga family who ruled the Italian city of Mantua. During his time there one of his most important commissions was the fresco cycle in the Camera degli Sposi (Bridal Chamber).

3. And now to speed ahead to the 21st c.,
here is an interesting tale.

Three years ago in 2012 an earthquake shook Mantua's historic Palazzo Ducale, closing the Renaissance-era frescoed 'bridal chamber' of the palace. Fortunately, this was reopened April 2, 2015 , in time for our visit.
On the west wall Ludovico, in official robes is meeting with his son, Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga, the holy Roman Emperor.

4. This is a portrait of the Gonzaga family: the Marquese Ludovico II and his wife Barbara of Brandenburg are surrounded by their children and members of the court.

5. On the ceiling Mantegna's presents an oculus that opens into a blue sky, with foreshortened putti playfully frolicking around. A pot is about to fall off a bar on our heads. haha

6. The Gonzaga name is prevalent in the palace.

7. The Palazzo Ducale in Mantua was more than a palace, rather a town within the city, the largest residence in Italy after the Vatican. For 400 years this was the home of the Gonzaga family, the dukes of Mantua who ruled until 1707.

The estate included a castle, basilica, courtyards, sumptuous galleries, gardens and many rooms. There is plenty to see, from precious tapestries to beautiful decor and paintings.

8. A labyrinth ceiling

9. A imaginative zodiac is painted on this 16th-century ceiling fresco by Lorenzo Costa.

10. Typical palace hallway.

11. Ideas for your garden.

12. An Italian family strolls through the palace.

13. Elsewhere in Mantua is this Romanesque round church.

14. A simple space for worship.

15. Then, also in Mantua, is the ornate Basilica San Andrea designed by famous Florentine architect, Alberti.

16. The kids are amazed at the huge size.

17. We liked riding bikes.

18. This is a leafy glade by the lake near the campground where I explored on bicycle. Mantua was one of my favorite places on our trip.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad the spirit of Andrea didn't show up to paint you're portrait. You look so pretty.
